Higuchi Manufacturing

Contact Us Contact Form

We accept inquiries regarding products, services, technology, and company information of Higuchi Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Inquiry by phone



Office hours: Monday to Friday (8:00 to 17:00)

Inquires from the form

Please complete the form to help us address your inquiry.
Fields marked with required are required.

How did you know about us? required

If you select "Other", please be sure to fill in it.

Inquiry Itemrequired

Please choose the category of inquiry.(Check all that apply.)

If you select "Other", please be sure to fill in it.

How can we help you?

Please choose the problems you have. (Check all that apply.)

If you select "Other", please be sure to fill in it.

Details of inquiryrequired

*Up to 1000 characters

Company namerequired
Department / Position
Phone numberrequired

E-mail address required